Teen Africa Selected to Participate in the Replication and Scale Up of the Improving Electoral Integrity and Accountability (IEIA) Project 1
In a move to promote the institutionalization of Gender Equality, Empowerment and Social Inclusion (GEESI) in the policy, practice and implementation of the National Gender policy of Nigeria, Teenage Development for Africa Ltd/Gte (Teen Africa), a youth and women empowerment organization, known for its dedication to nurturing talent, fostering leader skills amongst youths and women have been selected to participate in the replication and scale up of the Improving Electoral Integrity and Accountability (IEIA) funded by MacArthur Foundation and Implemented by Women’s Rights Advancement and Protection Alternative, (WRAPA) in partnership with Civil Resource Development and Documentation Centre (CIRDDOC).
The IEIA project whose objectives also include leading a community accountability campaign with a view to engage local institutions to ensure buy-in and attainment of the NGP gender inclusion goals commenced activities for the quarter with a planning meeting which held on Wednesday 18th October, 2023 at Dannic hotel Enugu.
The IEIA project which has a first phase life span of 2 years (2021 – 2023) aims to sensitize 5000 persons within communities across 7 Local Government Areas aamongst whom will be women, men, youth and ward Councilors on the NGP/GESI Policy. Sensitize of Citizens on GEESI/NGP and the need for women to be elected in elections. - Activities which will be focused during implementation in the target communities include:
- Anti-Corruption day in the communities
- 16th Day Activism in the communities sensitized
- Town Hall Meetings on NGP in 3 LGAs and
- Quarterly Review Meetings with partners
It is expected that the planned activities will lead to the following:
i. Increased number of women including female politicians, aspirants and candidates with capacity and knowledge to participate in the anti-corruption and accountability discourse in Nigeria
ii. Increased level of demand for transparency and accountability in various sectors such as budget, governance, health, education, elections, tax, oil revenue etc.
iii. Increased number of aspirants and candidates endorsing the anti-corruption and accountability principles and messages;
iv. Increased number of citizens led activities and Programmes promoting the anti-corruption and accountability agenda.
v. Increased attention paid to gender issues among key stakeholders at national, state and local government levels and especially project location
vi. Increased number and quality of platforms and forums addressing gender issues and anti-corruption beyond 2023;
vii. Increased number of women focused organizations driving the agenda for accountability and anti-corruption beyond the 2023 elections;
viii. Increased number of women led dialogues on corruption and accountability to gender;
ix. Higher frequency and saturation of election campaign messages resonating the women’s voices and demand for accountability;
x. Increased number and quality of accountability messages that link gender concerns to corruption and accountability